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Jun 13, 2016 11:07 PM

Jul 2014
Jake_Dd said:

Ummm, not sure if its just me, but I got over my first crush, or should I say I grew out of it, and I'm like a year younger then Raku, and liked her before Raku liked Onodera XD So yeah (comparing myself to fiction, what have I become :( ), if Raku picks Chitoge which still has a 60% chance of happening.

Well ofc you'd say that, you're a Shitoge fan lol.
-StrayJun 13, 2016 11:12 PM
Jun 13, 2016 11:31 PM
Jun 2016
The feels!!! It's basically;
You expect it to go one way, then it goes the other way.
But that way loops to the way you expect it...
Then that way gets deep because both ways stack on each other from the get-go.
Jun 14, 2016 12:56 AM

Jan 2015
And so the promised girl is... drumroll please... Kosaki Onodera! That's a huge revelation but the majority of us thought she was the promised girl and it really doesn't matter anymore becuase Raku's going to pick who he's going to pick.
So...what's going to happen next? Chitoge handed Raku to Kosaki all those years ago and now the reverse is going to happen? Maybe.
BTW, everyone was a lot bolder before. Throughout the entire manga everyone's been frustated with Raku and Kosaki not being open about their feelings and now we see that they already confessed years ago. Kind of ironic.
MALoween 2017 Candy:
Jun 14, 2016 5:51 AM
Jun 2013
Still holding a candle for onodera. It's just too weird for this to be the end with chitoge as the girl, when it doesn't add up with some of the other parts of the story.

1. Like if he was going to pick chitoge why is she the first person he's going to. If he was going to pick chitoge why didn't he wrap things up with Onodera before they even started searching for her. It just doesn't make sense for him to pick chitoge AND THEN end things with Onodera.

2. I thought he made it pretty clear he didn't care about his promise in the Fir tree chapter when he picked Onodera over the locket. He said the they "had come to an understanding" and after that is when all the key girls started dropping like flies.

3. We don't know what's in the locket. Onodera is the only one who can open it.

Idk I just think that the idea of Raku and Onoderas seemingly never ending love is how the story should end.

I'm not ignorant though the title "false love" could refer to them being in love with the childhood promise rather than each other. But then it would imply to chitoge to because that was the main initiative for her growth with Raku finding out if they made the promise.But I feel like that theory gets discredited because Raku and Onodera have been in love since middle school. Before they even knew about the existence of each other's lock and key. Whic btw was only brought up when chitoge came into the picture.
shawng14Jun 14, 2016 6:15 AM
Jun 14, 2016 6:09 AM

Jul 2014
Chitoge fans gonna hate this chapters haha. Congrats Kosaki fans :D
Jun 14, 2016 8:35 AM

Nov 2008
buyung said:
Chitoge fans gonna hate this chapters haha. Congrats Kosaki fans :D

Actually, I didn't hate it at all.


All these years I'd been whining for a manga to say "It's okay to NOT end up with your first love even if that person is still alive and around you" (all others where the second love wins is because the first one died lol)

And this story delivered. Onodera was the first, but Chitoge is the current. And she will win. Onodera didn't have to DIE to let Chitoge win. It just happened naturally.

Finally...............FINALLY an author breaks the mold.

Thank you, thank you Komi.

But I feel like that theory gets discredited because Raku and Onodera have been in love since middle school.

Raku and Onodera were never *in love* with each other. Their relationship is pretty much built on physical attraction and shallow crushing. That's not love. Raku and Chitoge's relationship is much deeper since despite the bad times they have, they STILL want to be together.
ChiibiJun 14, 2016 8:39 AM

Jun 14, 2016 12:25 PM
Jun 2013
buyung said:

Raku and Onodera were never *in love* with each other. Their relationship is pretty much built on physical attraction and shallow crushing. That's not love. Raku and Chitoge's relationship is much deeper since despite the bad times they have, they STILL want to be together.

built on phys- pfff what are you talking about true raku constantly acknowleges Onoderas cuteness because lets face it she is the cutest. while chitoge is the most beautiful. Onodera has made constant remarks why she likes for Rakus since the beginning of the manga
shawng14Jun 14, 2016 1:02 PM
Jun 14, 2016 12:39 PM
Mar 2015
Ohhhh, finally the final battle has come. Come ship Onodera and Chitoge, lets all go on board to the end. The final KO is coming!!!
Jun 14, 2016 1:58 PM

Jul 2014
Shitoge fans actin like theyre ok with how this chapter went but behind them monitors are angry crunching mf lol.
Jun 14, 2016 2:28 PM
Jun 2016
Few more days and we will see the CLIMAX.

Team Onodera all the way.
Jun 14, 2016 7:00 PM

Nov 2008
shawng14 said:
true raku constantly acknowleges Onoderas cuteness because lets face it she is the cutest.

Onodera isn't cute. She's ugly as fawk. XD While every character in Nisekoi has the same cute face, she has the worst design so yes, if you compare her to how the other girls look, she just sucks.

Chitoge fans actin like theyre ok with how this chapter went but behind them monitors are angry crunching mf lol.

Not really.

Jun 14, 2016 10:09 PM
Mar 2016
SansrivaaL said:
Jake_Dd said:

Ummm, not sure if its just me, but I got over my first crush, or should I say I grew out of it, and I'm like a year younger then Raku, and liked her before Raku liked Onodera XD So yeah (comparing myself to fiction, what have I become :( ), if Raku picks Chitoge which still has a 60% chance of happening.

Well ofc you'd say that, you're a Shitoge fan lol.

I like how Chitoge fans have been using logic this whole time, and been proving Onodera fans wrong but yet Onodera fans are still saying we are doing, what they are actually doing.

Also Shitoge, hehehe nice one! I can appreciate good puns, and jokes, plus I might be Team Chitoge but I also don't mind Onodera.

Chiibi said:
shawng14 said:
true raku constantly acknowleges Onoderas cuteness because lets face it she is the cutest.

Onodera isn't cute. She's ugly as fawk. XD While every character in Nisekoi has the same cute face, she has the worst design so yes, if you compare her to how the other girls look, she just sucks.

Chitoge fans actin like theyre ok with how this chapter went but behind them monitors are angry crunching mf lol.

Not really.

Thank you Chiibi, you've once again spoken logically and with reason, although Onodera is not the ugliest, but she is one of the lesser cute ones.

Also once again Onodera fans saying we are doing what they are, we aren't typing in mf, we are typing in "Komi you wonderful troll! Thanks for not doing the ultimate cliche!"

The only reason I'd be typing in "mf" is if another Onodera fan says something un logical, with no reasoning behind it, and just for spite. If your going to debate which girl Raku is goanna pick, then list all the facts and stop cherry picking, and ignoring the ones you don't like.
Jun 15, 2016 3:34 AM

Jul 2013
Well it's pretty much sealed that Chitoge's gonna win. Why? because story telling. It'll simply be anti-climatic if Komi build up Onodera as the promised girl only to have Raku ends up with her again. I mean where's the fun and drama in that?
Jun 15, 2016 3:53 AM
Jun 2013
Jake_Dd said:
If your going to debate which girl Raku is goanna pick, then list all the facts and stop cherry picking, and ignoring the ones you don't like.

1. I agree with this.

2. It would be great if you didn't group Onodera fans in with some obvious troll trying to get a rise.

3. I feel I made a small argument against chitoge and you guys singularly pick out the most opinionated least important part to fight me on. But so be it, it doesn't matter our personal opinion on Onoderas looks to Raku she is in fact the cutest.
Jun 15, 2016 8:23 AM
Mar 2016
shawng14 said:
Jake_Dd said:
If your going to debate which girl Raku is goanna pick, then list all the facts and stop cherry picking, and ignoring the ones you don't like.

1. I agree with this.

2. It would be great if you didn't group Onodera fans in with some obvious troll trying to get a rise.

3. I feel I made a small argument against chitoge and you guys singularly pick out the most opinionated least important part to fight me on. But so be it, it doesn't matter our personal opinion on Onoderas looks to Raku she is in fact the cutest.

Your right I shouldn't group stupid people, with not stupid people, after all Chitoge fans are the same in that way.
I wasn't arguing about Onodera's looks, as let's be honest what we think she looks like really doesn't effect whether Raku's goanna pick her or not.

Although you brought up some good points, although why make Chitoge the main female Lead if she wasn't the girl raku's goanna pick, plus Raku has admitted he has feelings for both Onodera and Chitoge.
Jun 15, 2016 10:39 PM

Dec 2010
lol nice to see i'm not the only one thinking he's going to choose chitoge... however i wish there was a plot twist or something that made him choose marika or yui-nee (btw, those were my favs, specially yui-nee)

feeling the same way i did by the end of ichigo 100% btw
Jun 16, 2016 3:29 AM
Jun 2013
Jake_Dd said:

Although you brought up some good points, although why make Chitoge the main female Lead if she wasn't the girl raku's goanna pick, plus Raku has admitted he has feelings for both Onodera and Chitoge.

Eh it could just be one of those stories that end in heartbreak. Idk if you've seen true tears or recently this year a movie came out called Kokoro ga Sakebitagatterunda (the director of the moive is the same one from ano hana). Both really good but anyway ***Spoiler***

Some writers choose to go this route. and it can be interesting. Not every love has a happy ending. Idk I think it would be so much more an of interesting story. Like Raku has given Chitoge soo much and changed her in such a huge way, for her to get the guy as well is so dull.
shawng14Jun 16, 2016 3:56 AM
Jun 16, 2016 5:23 AM
Jun 2016
Well technically, Chitoge was the original promise girl and if they all remember their memories then my guess is, Onodera will probably give the key back explaining that she is the true promise girl since she's kind-hearted. I don't hate Onodera, all of the girls in the show are pretty good-looking, it's up to Raku to decide. Since Raku seems to have already decided on who it is, it's safe to assume that Raku will end up confessing to Chitoge no matter who the promise girl was/is, it's what he feels right now at the present time that really matters. So it's a win/win situation.
Jun 16, 2016 6:11 AM
Mar 2016
shawng14 said:
Jake_Dd said:

Although you brought up some good points, although why make Chitoge the main female Lead if she wasn't the girl raku's goanna pick, plus Raku has admitted he has feelings for both Onodera and Chitoge.

Eh it could just be one of those stories that end in heartbreak. Idk if you've seen true tears or recently this year a movie came out called Kokoro ga Sakebitagatterunda (the director of the moive is the same one from ano hana). Both really good but anyway ***Spoiler***

Some writers choose to go this route. and it can be interesting. Not every love has a happy ending. Idk I think it would be so much more an of interesting story. Like Raku has given Chitoge soo much and changed her in such a huge way, for her to get the guy as well is so dull.

Ah, sadly I have not seen any of those but Anohana is on my list of anime to watch! Although a good example of something ending with heartbreak is plastic memories.

That would be an interesting route, but I don't think that's Komi's style of writing.
Jun 16, 2016 7:53 AM

Nov 2008
Jake_Dd said:

Ah, sadly I have not seen any of those but Anohana is on my list of anime to watch!

I love AnoHana. It's one of those few stories where nobody

I hardly ever say that about ANYTHING lol.

Jun 16, 2016 8:40 AM
Mar 2016
Chiibi said:
Jake_Dd said:

Ah, sadly I have not seen any of those but Anohana is on my list of anime to watch!

I love AnoHana. It's one of those few stories where nobody

I hardly ever say that about ANYTHING lol.

Same here, although that's not much a spoiler cuz I kind of get that feel just from the synopsis.
Jun 16, 2016 6:10 PM

Mar 2015
After I read this chapter, I dont feel angry or hate towards Kosaki even though Im Chitoge shippers.
I just feel neutral.


I have another theory that Raku will have both Kosaki and Chitoge.

Jun 16, 2016 9:31 PM
Jun 2016
It's like "History repeat it itself" for Chitoge. Getting to experienced it twice ugh except Raku will choose her this time!!!!!! I HOPE SO *crossfingers*
Jun 17, 2016 11:26 PM
Dec 2015
Kokoro5 said:
Rio_Pascua said:
I still find it funny that we can all interpret developments differently.

Onodera being the promised girl means she has already cemented her win, which was implied in chapter 217 when Raku became decisive with his true love.

The message of False Love is not that "present is more important than the past"_ but that as you grow older, your original feelings will be confronted a lot but resisting fake loves in order to stay true to that pure original love. Chitoge's role as the heroine will fit into the idea, that her false love is just that, false. Whenever I see Raku and Chitoge together, it always seemed more like friendship. Whereas with Onodera and Raku's, they've always liked each other. Raku just remembered that in chapter 217. I trust in Raku's feelings.

If anything, the only twist there will be is if Onodera gives up and make way for Chitoge which is really cheap.

give up , im #teamonodera too but we already lost

I cant see this as losing, trust me. Of course, you can trust yourself still and be pleasantly surprised. :)
Jun 18, 2016 4:49 AM

Sep 2010
In harem manga, there is what people call "first girl rule." Which states the first girl introduced into MC's life should win by default.
In Nisekoi, people cheered Chitoge because of this rule. But technically, the first girl introduced was the Promise Girl (who turned out to be Kosaki). So by this rule, Kosaki should win by default. Checkmate, Chitogefags!

Also remindder that so far, this is Komi's recipe:
- Arc about Yui: got her out of Rakubowl
- Arc about Marika: got her out of Rakubowl
- Arc about Tsugumi: got her out of Rakubowl
- Arc about Haru: got her out of Rakubowl
- Arc about Chitoge: ??????
Poetry, gentlemen.
fscJun 18, 2016 4:54 AM
Jun 19, 2016 6:07 AM
Jun 2016
all this denial o_o

i really do NOT dislike chitoge, its just that i like more onodera's personality
but my guess is that after all this time raku will choose onodera, i mean, they have a mutual crush since they were kids, they met at school and they are still in their crush, both remembered their promise, (even if they do not remember each other's face)

and actually, didnt raku said before that even if onodera wasnt the promised girl, that he was in love with her right now?

i think the balance has all the weight on one side....
but hey its just my opinion anything can happen

im just saying that on that situation, i wouldnt give up on onodera :l
Jun 20, 2016 11:02 AM

Nov 2008
fsc said:
In harem manga, there is what people call "first girl rule." Which states the first girl introduced into MC's life should win by default.
In Nisekoi, people cheered Chitoge because of this rule. But technically, the first girl introduced was the Promise Girl (who turned out to be Kosaki). So by this rule, Kosaki should win by default. Checkmate, Chitogefags!

Also remindder that so far, this is Komi's recipe:
- Arc about Yui: got her out of Rakubowl
- Arc about Marika: got her out of Rakubowl
- Arc about Tsugumi: got her out of Rakubowl
- Arc about Haru: got her out of Rakubowl
- Arc about Chitoge: ??????
Poetry, gentlemen.

Except childhood flashbacks really don't count.

"First girl" refers to the first girl we see interact with the MC in the present time during the first episode.

So yes, it IS Chitoge.

Jun 25, 2016 7:39 AM
Jun 2016
I believe that if you're in love with two people, choose the second you fall in love with. Because if you truly loved the first, there would be no second.
So yes, I believe Chitose is the girl he will end up with.
Jul 9, 2016 4:14 AM

Dec 2015
Wow, we finally know who is the promised girl, seriously Raku, you had a bad taste when you were a kid.
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
Aug 28, 2016 2:41 PM

Aug 2014
Turned down Marika for Chitoge when they were kids? I see that Raku's shit taste goes way back.
Jul 9, 2017 12:35 AM

Aug 2010
GAH this is so hard i know that onodera is the promise girl but we all know the ending for this since the very start...i will sink wiht my ship
Mar 15, 2022 8:24 PM
Sep 2016
Doommaker said:
Maybe it will go the route of Ichigo 100% and have Raku end up with the girl many don't expect to win lol.

tbh after vol7 of ichigo100 Nishino got more spotlight than Toujou already and big event after that she deserved to win no doubt.
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